
Friday 25 June 2010

Art on Friday - Gary Gianni

A big shout to Trey on this one; in one of his comments on Monday Miniatures, he mentioned Gentlemen of the Road by Michael Chabon and when I checked it out, I was presented with the artwork of Gary Gianni. Going to his site, I found that he had done artwork for several of REH's works, the ones about which Jamie Mal frequently waxes lyrical on his blog.

His style evokes the original pulp era; the sort of imagery which, regrettably, one tends not to see so often any more. When I was young, my mother had a set of Newnes Pictorial Knowledge from 1945, reprinted from a 1936 edition. Being a bookish lad, I read them from cover to cover again and again. The illustrations of historical events sank deep into my subconscious and encounters with the style of the 30s still bring the studious child out in me. N C Wyeth (1882-1945) was another illustrator in a similar style and last week, I mentioned Maxfield Parrish.

Solomon Kane

Kane again

Conan in chains

Some Romans on the hunt for Bran Mak Morn

More Puritan sword fighting

Bran Mak Morn has a little trouble with the Romans.

Here is a sample of Wyeth's work to illustrate the tradition in which Gianni is working.

Modern illustrators are fine in their own way but sometimes, the pulp classics cry out for a certain style. Wyeth had it and Gianni carries it on.


  1. Gianni is great. I remember when I first saw his work in the Monster Club backups in one of the early Hellboy limited. It was so unlike what I expected to see in a modern comic.

  2. Yay Wyeth! I had a few of the stories he illustrated like Robin Hood, Arabian Nights, and Treasure Island. I really love what he does with light, reflection and shadow.

    Totally unfamiliar with Gianni, so thanks for the intro...

  3. I love that guys art. I love the play of purple and yellow in the knights dueling pic.

  4. Conan in chains? clearly he isn't a PC as few would allow themselves to be captured for it is a fate worse then death to many. ;-)

    (great art post by the way)
