
Friday 9 July 2010

The man who kicked the hornets' nest

Thought things had been a bit quiet recently.


  1. This isn't Carcosa. There is no controversy here. People are supposed to disagree, and this is the sort of forum people are supposed to use to express that disagreement.

  2. Disagreement is fine; we're a movement, not a church. All I was concerned about, and it's not your stance, was the prospect of the OSR blogosphere tearing itself apart and bloggers disappearing off the radar again.

  3. Occasionally the cultural hornets’ nest needs to be kicked and metaphorical hornets are much less likely to sting the kicker.

  4. Tis true, Chris. If anything, I was giving Jim an affectionate sobriquet - he has every right to raise issues that need discussion but it seems that whenever he does so, there is a horde of angry buzzing around those discussions. It's nice to know that we belong - however loosely we like to define it - to a movement that facilitates dissent and contrarianism. Nothing would make me back out quicker than to realise that the OSR has acquired an Orthodoxy.

  5. Mwah-hah-hah!

    Nobody expects the Orthodox School Resistance!

    Our chief weapon is House Rules... House Rules and Fear... Fear and House Rules...

    Our two weapons are Fear and House Rules...
    and ruthless adherence to the Cool Table from that 'Other' Edition blog...

    Our three weapons are Fear, House Rules, and ruthless adherence to the Cool Table from that 'Other' Edition blog...
    and an almost fanatical devotion to The One True Edition....
    Our four...
    Amongst our weapons...

    Amongst our weaponry...
    are such elements as Fear, House Rules...

    I'll post that again.
