
Wednesday 8 September 2010

A Cruise to Antarctica?

Hmm...just spotted on one of the new blogs I'm following that Guillermo del Toro is said to favour Tom Cruise for the lead in Mountains of Madness.

Is it just me or is that prospect scarier than the original story?


  1. Yes, honestly, that would f' up the whole movie for me.

  2. That and the fact there is now talk about 3-D.

    I prefer my cultists to remain fictitious and two dimensional.

    Until the Old Ones awaken, that is...

  3. What unspeakable Horror! I have waited patiently for him to finally do this film as he said he would and now this! The stars are right my friends!

  4. Tom Cruise? Ancient aliens on Earth from a time before men that messed us up? I can't see this ending well.

    wv - yesse. Even Google captor agrees!

  5. By Nyarlathotep! What are they thinking of?

  6. Clearly Cruise is not the man for the job but IMHO neither is James McAvoy, the studio's preferred actor (far too young). I found myself thinking "I wonder who might be good in it" and Liam Neeson's name popped up. He's old enough (58) and while he is capable of bringing a mature gravitas to a role, he can also cut it where the action is required as well.

    Anyone else agree?

  7. Liam Neeson was the name that first popped into my head as well!

  8. Nope. Not a fan of Neeson.

    But Crispin Glover and Elias Koteas would be awesome.

  9. Isn't Cruise a cultist? Or maybe just a bit of a cult.

  10. I personally think cultists should appear in 4D.

  11. On past experience, I'm going to assume that del Toro knows what he's doing more than the studio execs do.

  12. I've only read a few Lovecraft stories and Cruise was not the in any of the mental images I conjured.

  13. @Dave Morris - great to have you visit. I remember you from back in the day. It's really good to see you hale and hearty!

  14. Thanks, Daddy - yeah, I'm still here :) Although, like the Phantom, there are many Dave Morrises...

  15. Ioan Gruffudd would get my vote as well....

  16. I'd like to see a quality actor who isn't a name. Or even recognizable. I don't want to see Maverick, Reed Richards Quigon or Marty McFly's dad on the screen for this.

  17. Good point, GSV. In an ideal world, unknowns would make the best casting because they don't bring any cinematic role baggage to the part. However, it's not an ideal world and if the only way that del Toro can get a studio to back what - until a few months ago - would have seemed an unbackable film is to cast a Name, then we'll just have to hope that it's a Name worth watching.

    And Cruise isn't it.

  18. Okay, whole new angle:

    Brian Blessed, Michael Palin, and a couple more actors who have actually been to Antarctica.

    Baggage would be brought, and much madness would ensue...

    Do I have any takers?

  19. What an excellent idea! We can chuck in David Attenborough and Steve Backshall of Deadly 60, who'd be only too pleased to add a Shoggoth to his list. Brian Blessed could shout down the monsters, and Michael Palin could do a bit of Python

    "I'm an Elder Thing and I'm okay
    I cut up Lake, dragged a dog away..."

    Anyone got del Toro's e-mail address?
