
Thursday 24 November 2011

Geography Epic Fail

Courtesy of my local newspaper. Do I hear the sound of David Attenborough banging his head against a wall?


  1. Those aren't reindeer! Get away from them! Somebody grab a flame thrower!

  2. Oh my god, one of them looks like Kurt Russell!

  3. The South Pole? That isn't even where Santa lives!

    I am betting that someone in the editorial office half remembered the fact that penguins are from the South Pole, not the North Pole, and then took great pleasure in correcting the error.

  4. Mind you, it is the East Riding Advertiser - for people from the Wolds, the maps are marked 'Here be Dragons' before you get to Doncaster.

  5. Yeah, kid, they're reindeer. Really they are. Sure, reindeer are black and bubbly and protoplasmic. Horns on its head? Yeah, see, that one's got horns on BOTH heads! Really, "Tekeli-li" is what reindeer say. Now move along, kid, or I'll strip out your brain and put it in a cylinder.
