
Friday 27 January 2012

The Jukebox of Many Tracks - d100 Community Project

Right, since everybody had so much fun with the Cloak of Elviskind, I've decided to give the concept another, expanded shot. The same idea as with the Cloak, except that any artist is fair game. I've started you off with the first twelve. Let's see if we can get it to 100. As in Top 100.

1. Devil Woman – the player becomes convinced that the most virtuous female NPC in the campaign is in fact a denizen of the infernal regions in a very convincing disguise. They must try to convince everybody else that this is the case. No matter what the NPC tries to do to prove their innocence, the player will find a way of interpreting it as more evidence of their diabolic nature.

2. Bridge over troubled water – the player can create an invisible force field which will support him and anyone within 20’ of him when crossing rivers, streams and estuaries. It will not work further than 100’ into salt water.

3. I can’t go for that (no can do) - whatever plan the player proposes will be met with either scepticism, hostility or derision. If he has hirelings or henchmen, they will refuse to accept orders and nobody else in the party will blame them for doing so.

4. Addicted to Love – the player must spend each night with a member of the opposite sex or the next morning begin to suffer effects that are the same as those incurred by a broken geas.

5. Killing me softly with his song – the player will receive the ability to sing, once per day a melody that will send all who listen to it into a deep catatonic trance that will be 90% likely to be mistaken for death. Local bards will be very keen to either find out the secret of the song or silence the singer forever.

6. Kung Fu Fighting – the player acquires the martial arts abilities of a monk of the same level.

7. The way we were – on selecting this track, the player and everyone who hears it will revert to the 1st level version of their characters.

8. Walk like an Egyptian – the player acquires the head of a jackal and must locate the cure deep within a lost pyramid.

9. Brass in Pocket – when this track is selected, the player generates a field which causes all precious metal within 20’ of him to become brass imitations.

10. Stayin’ alive – when this track is selected, the player acquires the ability to survive beyond –10. However, once this power has been activated, they will effectively become a living corpse, not able to eat, drink, breathe or generate body heat. Any wounds will not heal and must be manually repaired.

11. Gypsies, tramps and thieves – somehow the player has inherited the leadership of a band of travelling folk who now look to their new leader to see to their welfare and help them out with the problems they seem to be having with the local law enforcement

12. You’re So Vain – the player will become convinced that he/she has 18 CHA and will get very irate if this is not recognised by all around.

13. Close to you - the character can command twice as many followers as normally allowed by their charisma

14. Princes of the Universe - the character will be treated as if they are a member of the ruling class

15. Search and Destroy - The PC may name a type of monster. They get +4 to hit and damage against that monster type until they kill one, at which time they may choose another monster. If they try to repeat a monster they've done before, this ability is lost.

16. Dancing on the Ceiling - Gravity is reversed for the PC and he falls to the ceiling, which is now his floor. Cannot leave the dungeon or will fall into the sky. Needs to be tethered like a lead balloon to a heavier object, brought to town and have Remove Curse cast by a name level cleric.

17. Hello, is it me you're looking for? - The next NPC the PC meets will become their stalker, follow them around, and basically show up when not wanted. Will turn dangerous if rebuffed, will also follow the PC into dangerous situations and need constant rescue.

18. Ring of Fire - the PC has a ring of living flame materialize around one of his/her fingers, which allows him/her to cast one randomly selected fire-based spell each day. The ring burns the wearer for 1D2 damage each day, until it is dispelled by remove curse.

19. Five Feet High And Rising - the PC gains the ability to raise the water level of small streams, brooks and rivers, but not lower it.

20. I Won't Back Down - An unfortunate lapse in judgment impairs the PC until this curse is removed. The PC will never consider retreating or stop from getting into fights where the odds heavily skew against him/her.

21. One Piece At A Time - the PC can clad him/herself in a magical suit of armor once each day. The armor has the properties of mastercraft full plate, is weightless, looks ethereal and lasts for the PC level x turns. The 23 separate pieces of the armor only materialize at a rate of 1 piece per round however.

22. Walk Like a Man – the player has an unfortunate effect on all women who come within 15’ of him; they acquire male…ahem…accessories. Other than that, they will still be women – just very, very angry ones, now with added testosterone!
(Daddy Grognard)

23. Always Something There to Remind Me - whenever the PC enters a town, building or meets anybody new, a sphere bearing a magic mouth will appear and begin to recite their adventures, exploits and achievements. This sphere cannot be struck or damaged in any way.
(Daddy Grognard)

24. Constant Craving - the player is overcome with an uncontrollable hunger which prompts him to consume the party's entire rations (unless stopped). If the party is in town, he will raid any food outlet. Once he is sated, he will rest for 1d6 hours and then wake ravenous again. If there is no food available, he will start on dead bodies and if there are none of those available...
(Daddy Grognard)

25. Thunderstruck - All within 60' are affected by a power word stun as a series of power chords from the jukebox causes the room to reverberate.

26. Hell's Bells - The jukebox tolls sonorously for 3 rounds, the first round summons an erinyes, the second round a barbed devil, the third round a horned devil. These will work together to cause as much mayhem as possible and steal the jukebox.

27. Highway To Hell - The jukebox belches smoke and shines with crimson light. Those who touch the jukebox are plane shifted onto the first plane of the Nine Hells.

28. She Blinded Me With Science - A female gnome in leather armour and various implements of alchemy and artifice pops out jack-in-the-box fashion and blows a cloud of dust into the face of whoever stands before it. They must save or be blinded for d10+2 rounds.

29. Uptown Girl - the PC has become the latest infatuation of the romantic daughter of a very important personage, either a rich merchant, noble or mage. The girl will shower her new beloved with presents appropriate to her status and try to persuade him to name the day. Her family, however, will not be pleased that their daughter has seen fit to try to bring an...ahem...adventurer...into the family. Think Shrek meeting Fiona's parents

30. Whiskey in the Jar - the PC now has an affinity for a particular beverage (not necessarily whiskey) and when he drinks a pint thereof, it has the same effect as a Potion of Healing. This only works for him.


  1. 13. Close to you - the character can command twice as many followers as normally allowed by their charisma

    14. Princes of the Universe - the character will be treated as if they are a member of the ruling class

  2. 15. Search and Destroy - The PC may name a type of monster. They get +4 to hit and damage against that monster type until they kill one, at which time they may choose another monster. If they try to repeat a monster they've done before, this ability is lost.

  3. Lionel Ritchie Twofer
    16. Dancing on the Ceiling - Gravity is reversed for the PC and he falls to the ceiling, which is now his floor. Cannot leave the dungeon or will fall into the sky. Needs to be tethered like a lead balloon to a heavier object, brought to town and have Remove Curse cast by a name level cleric.
    17. Hello, is it me you're looking for? - The next NPC the PC meets will become their stalker, follow them around, and basically show up when not wanted. Will turn dangerous if rebuffed, will also follow the PC into dangerous situations and need constant rescue.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Johnny Cash foursome
    18. Ring of Fire - the PC has a ring of living flame materialize around one of his/her fingers, which allows him/her to cast one randomly selected fire-based spell each day. The ring burns the wearer for 1D2 damage each day, until it is dispelled by remove curse.
    19. Five Feet High And Rising - the PC gains the ability to raise the water level of small streams, brooks and rivers, but not lower it.
    20. I Won't Back Down - An unfortunate lapse in judgment impairs the PC until this curse is removed. The PC will never consider retreating or stop from getting into fights where the odds heavily skew against him/her.
    21. One Piece At A Time - the PC can clad him/herself in a magical suit of armor once each day. The armor has the properties of mastercraft full plate, is weightless, looks ethereal and lasts for the PC level x turns. The 23 separate pieces of the armor only materialize at a rate of 1 piece per round however.

  6. A jukebox without AC/DC. Is such a thing even desirable?

    Thunderstruck - All within 60' are affected by a power word stun as a series of power chords from the jukebox causes the room to reverberate.

    Hell's Bells - The jukebox tolls sonorously for 3 rounds, the first round summons an erinyes, the second round a barbed devil, the third round a horned devil. These will work together to cause as much mayhem as possible and steal the jukebox.

    Highway To Hell - The jukebox belches smoke and shines with crimson light. Those who touch the jukebox are plane shifted onto the first plane of the Nine Hells.

    And now, Thomas Dolby to keep the 80's vibe...

    She Blinded Me With Science - A female gnome in leather armour and various implements of alchemy and artifice pops out jack-in-the-box fashion and blows a cloud of dust into the face of whoever stands before it. They must save or be blinded for d10+2 rounds.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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