Big game hunter answering call for same issued by resident quasi-lich who feels proliferation of ropers obscures view of attractive scintillant gas cloud effusing from paleogean fissure, Power to Choose
Benbo, 3rd level Fighter/4th level Thief - he who dares.
Galzor, 4th level cleric - mysteriously disappeared along with the Third and his coffin.
Zanurax, 3rd level thief (recovering from being partly eaten by a lion and has now gone to join Merlin)
Olaf, 4th level dwarven fighter, now returning to his clan halls
Merlin, 3rd level thief (called away on the business of the Thieves' Guild)
Adthar, 4th level fighter - currently both an Ettin and a statue
Elador, nth level magic-user - called away on special assignments but will act as mentor and adviser to the team
The Fallen
Galadeus, 2nd level ranger - drowned and then eaten by a shark.....aaaaaand he's BACK! aaaaaaaaand he's dead again.
What I'm DMing for 6 new junior players
Old School Links to Wisdom
Give your d12...
...some Old School love
Running now
Call of Cthulhu - visit our wiki
That's what Old School means to me
"These rules are flexible and open to interpretation - designed not to cover all conceivable situations, but to allow good Referees and Players the freedom to create and play games of their own design."
from the Lulu download page for The White Box S&W from BHP
"This game is unlike chess in that the rules are not cut and dried. In many places, they are guidelines and suggested methods only. This is part of the attraction of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons"
The Other OSR: Sanction
*Sanction: A Tabletop Roleplaying Game of Challenges & Hacks* describes
itself as a set of “Universal Rules for Challenge-driven Games.” If that
sounds pr...
Random Bits for 9/13/2024
Not much of a week for gaming - lot of non-gaming things to do.
- This is pretty funny - Conan vs. Barbarianism.
- 2000 posts is a lot of posts. Omedetou, ...
August 2024
My father passed away.
It had been coming since the end of last year, when they moved him to
hospice care. That's when everyone realizes that the numbe...
The Cinereous Basilica
The church in the heart of town has gone through many worshippers and
worshippees over the ages, and still has …
Continue reading →
When In Inaust
Gray, misty Inaust on Whulggan Sound is a place few choose to visit except
on the most important of errands. If by some strange fortune you should
find ...
More what you'd call guidelines than actual rules
It's always gratifying to get a review for one of my books, doubly so when
the reviewer mostly liked it. Here's one for *Down Among the Dead Men*, the
A Blog 2,000 Posts Old
I have now written 2,000 posts here at Monsters & Manuals. I'll let that
sink in for a moment: if you laid out all of these posts end to end they
would s...
The Explorers are a few hours into a journey across the Capital States but
the captain has decided to ...
Session One Hundred Eleven: The Plan
The group began planning immediately, on how to rescue Kraah. Rafiq knew
any templar building would be warded against teleportation, so it would not
be a...
Mythras and Against the Darkmaster news
Some quick notes on a couple of things for two of my favourite RPGS:
*Mythras* and *Against the Darkmaster*.
First, *Mythras*. There is a new supplement fo...
Strict Location Records Must Be Kept II
Oops. It seems that my last post on this subject was the result of a
misunderstanding. Apparently what was wanted was a list of all possible
locations for ...
Conan vs Barbarianism
One of the themes that Robert E. Howard returns to again and again in his
Conan tales, is the idea that civilization is a temporary thing that must
be w...
The Seventh Ability Score is Gold
Sometimes the seventh score is Luck, and that is a useful one to have, but
this post is about starting gold. Many D&Dalikes have you roll 3d6*10 for
The Rumor Mill - Week 33
Join us on a journey into the most significant political and military force
on the north shore of the Middle Sea for week 33 of The Rumor Mill: the
Terminal State
Now the lines are converging to the point of no return.
VX2, the publishing imprint my brother Chris and I operate, has launched
our second Kickstarter c...
The Mystery of the First Blackmoor Map
In this POST from a few years ago, I was concerned with the issue of scale
and distance in Blackmoor in the course of which I attempted to determine
I financially support the following content creators on Patreon:
- Hobbs & Friends - RPG podcasts, zines, and other RPG related material
- Anna B. Me...
just play dnd
Deborah Ann Woll is a treasure.
I have been tempted to do this before, but it feels like an imposition to
just suggest to launch into a game but DAW does ...
Far Away Land 2nd Edition Kickstarter is Amazing
Fay Away Land RPG Ed. 2 is now Kickstarting! It funded quick and has 22
days remaining as of this post. It is a unique setting and RPG that reeks
of fun....
Advice in Practice: On the Simulacrum Spell
I've talked before about what I think makes for effective games that keep
players wanting more (namely *listening to the players* and *establishing
real ...
Wilderlands: Session 32
*This session was run on February 13, 2023.*
Determined to find Uggmar, the party, now accompanied by Rasaz, headed back
into the dungeon beneath the ...
Doratas & Philosophia
Another thing I did during my quiet time was create a game...kinda.
I've always wanted to write/create a roleplaying game. I've never had the
Editions of Dungeons & Dragons
Most of you know that I run an old-school Dungeons & Dragons game for my
daughter and her friends. We started when they were between 10 and 11
years-old an...
Monsters don't have to stay in their rooms.
An enduring and old complaint about D&D and similar RPGs is "what are the
monsters doing in those rooms?". Well, they don't have to stay there.
Many pub...
When did the OSR begin? 2008.
I was looking through a box of some of my old gaming stuff, and I ran
across a bunch of old OSR zines and DIY supplements from 15+ years ago. I
thought, ...
Review of The Lost Dungeons of Tonisborg
This dungeon is a reproduction of Greg Svenson’s dungeon. Greg was one of
the early players in Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor campaign and is immortalized
Early TSR Modules: A Study in Style
B1 In Search of the Unknown -- Classic dungeon crawl which was designed to
train DMs in stocking and to some extent designing dungeons
D1 Descent i...
Ave Atque Vale, Jennell
Jennell Jaquays passed away two days ago, and it's hitting me hard.
I had a chance to meet Jennell at NTRPG 2016 (and '17), and even get into a
Gwenevere (2023)
Poster by Sarah McIntyreBanished from Camelot, Queen Gwenevere (Laura
Frances Martin) must travel across wild country to the abbey where she is
to live out...
Marrow and Runner Bean Curry
It has been a strange summer here in London. Boiling hot June then cold
and wet July. Hasn't stop the garden cropping well but has deterred me from
[Update] Comments Disabled For Now
Hi All, just a bit of housekeeping. I've disabled comments on the blog
except to blog members because of spam comments, but I'm keeping the blog
up so t...
Now at
We've moved locations-- you can now find my blog content, hacks, scenarios,
reviews, TTRPG histories, AP videos and more at
Haven't posted in along time but if anyone is wondering I took down the
various D20 content in case there are any forthcoming compliance issues
with th...
Looking Back
They say that if you don't look back at who who were from a year ago and
cringe that you haven't grown enough.
What if I look back five or seven years?
Midjourney and Campaign Inspiration
I'm an improvisational GM.
I love random tables. I believe in the oracular power of the dice. I
believe in emergent storytelling and character backstori...
The Snake-Shaped Island!
I ran a little DMing workshop for my fifth graders earlier this month and
the result was interesting. First, I asked the kids what exactly they
enjoyed i...
The Great Migration
One way or another, this blog is not long for the world.
The great and powerful Goog is a capricious and fickle technical wizard.
To cut him off at the knees...
[ Kinship ] The Shadow Riders
I float above what is called by many the Road, some call it the Highway,
some call it something worse. Highway to Hell is a favorite. And if you
end ...
Hey, what's going on in here?
It seems the Mad Scientist is working on something secret in his laboratory
of horrors... I wonder what it will be? Is it anything to do with Warrior...
Character generation on a grid
I like the old-school rules, but there are things I have always tweaked and
twisted to fit my own taste. For instance, the old 3d6 in order for
character ...
A Game of What-if Pt 1
It has always been on my mind, the familial bond between Chainmail and
D&D. I have always been entranced by the OSR titles that explore that DNA.
I have...
Where the Wheat Grows Tall zine on Kickstarter
*Gaming Zine Quest Kickstarter post #2: *
Where the Wheat Grows Tall is an old-school fantasy adventure for low level
characters inspired by Slavic myth....
I moved ages ago, but forgot to tell anyone
I decided to get my own domain name: and have been
posting there for over a year. When Adam at Barking Alien mentioned that
he wanted...
NEW Appendix N Video Review Series
Daniel, over at The Dungeon Dive, is starting up a Youtube review series
of various Appendix N authors, I highly recommend you follow along with his
Blood Sundown Review
I've actually been running games recently! Bully for me. I decided that
I'd start reviewing the products I actually use - this was my first review
on Driv...
Necrotic Gnome Bundle of Holding
Hi fellow gamers,
You may have heard of Gavin Norman's Old-School Essentials and Dolmenwood -
well good news for you, as you can nab a Bundle of Holding ch...
Mold lines are the bane of my existence
This afternoon I was putting some models together, cleaning mold lines, and
doing some basing. Mold lines are a long-running antagonist for my hobby
The Dozen Peaks of the Scarlet Sultanate
First and foremost, I should acknowledge my debt to the great Chris Kutalik
and his Hill Cantons blog -- I've used a lot of his material in my own
Mordux on Throne of Bones for DuckQuest
Yesterday a small and unassuming parcel arrived from Macrocosm with some
resin dungeon terrain for me to paint. I really enjoyed giving the Throne
of Bones...
I just picked up a copy of Scotia Grendel's Leviathan. This is a game I've
been meaning to get for years but thanks to the excellent Leviathan War
blog, ...
Dungeons & Dragonmead Fall Schedule
*As you know, I run public classic Dungeons & Dragons games at **The Loaded
Die**/Metro Detroit Game Night's Board Game Nigh at **Dragonmead**, in
Campaign concepts I'd love to play
Here are some campaign concepts I would like to play, but have not gotten a
chance to. More may come later and I may elaborate on one if there is
James A. Smith, Jr. Memorial Video
A beloved father, devoted friend, and D&D Dungeon Master extraordinaire. We
miss you! To view video, click here Memorial Video
Note - The original video...
New content! New look! New locale!
What comes first? The dungeon or the wilderness?
Bestiary of the Fabled Occident
A long time ago I started to put together a bestiary. I've pursued various
other projects in the time since but I still have a fair bit of material
I'd lik...
Stepping Away and a New Beginning
After maintaining this blog for nearly seven years (an eternity in internet
time), I've decided to step away from it.
When I first began I wasn't 100% ...
Christmas Eve with Full Moon Entertainment 2018
Christmas Eve is here again! This is a night of personal and family
traditions, and I have several of my own. Now after a year hiatus, the
Amazing RPG Fun...
Here Be Dungeons 21: Ataaz Muhahah
My final draft design of Ataaz Muhahah - the "Laughing Gorge" - developed
for Wizards of the Coast's "Tomb of Annihilation". Oh, how I wish I'd come
up wi...
Mernoth - Political Map
A map of the Kingdom of Mernoth situated within the southern central
portion of the continent of Fayrenneth.
The Realm of Mernoth is one of the oldest n...
From Tragedy to Gaming
On Monday, I had the opportunity to speak at a memorial for two students,
majors in my department. One was a veteran with PTSD. He took his own life.
The o...
Airlines Suck
I returned home to Pennsylvania a few days ago, after visiting my father in
I had absolutely *no trouble* with the Transportation Security
The God of Death, reimagined
I've been thinking a lot about magic and gods and things you need for a
home-brewed setting. I've got the big things in place, actually for many
years, but...
I'm very pleased to announce that I've received the outline and readied the
cover for the first Battleaxes & Beasties adventure that is not written by
me. ...
Curse of Strand - Death House: our experience
First **spoilers** warning. I will try not to give it all away but if you
are going to be a player in Curse of Strand do not continue reading.
Death hous...
Adventures in the City of the Dead
I am trying a new approach to dealing with sessions that multiple players
have to miss in my new Waterdeep campaign. If I know in advance that
multiple pl...
My New Blog
I have started a new blog to cover my adventure into fiction writing. Feel free to join me over there.Filed
under: bloggi...
The Great Host
It took all Gruffydd had not to say "I told you so" to Lars.
Instead, he offered some advice.
"We've traveled this way many times", the dwarf said. "We have ...
The Beast of Beverly Hills
I am currently sitting in room 231 of The Avalon Hotel in Beverly Hills,
drinking black coffee, contemplating a nightmare. It must be a nightmare. I
can n...
Vanity, thy name is "A New Blog"
*"Don't call it a comeback. I've been here for years..."*
- apologies to LLCoolJ for the use of his lyrics.
I've started a new blog. It's not the "OSR" blo...
Deep Dungeons
Life changes and things get hard. I no longer play in a band and I am not
dating Amy anymore.
I have spent time fixing up my game room a...
PETTY GODS an Old-School Role-Playing Community (ORC) project that has been
years in the making is finally out now. Some of my artwork is scattered
No Mean City Session 1.1 "National Express"
* Take the National Express when your life's in a mess It'll make you smile
All human life is here...
Episode 30: The Conclusion
‘The Conclusion’ is the 30th episode of a Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG actual
play podcast. Additional information can be found
Spell Casting Under Fire
This probably has been thought up before but I've been considering easy
ways to factor in casting spells while taking damage that don't require
lots of fuc...
Brief update
Just looked in on the blog. A quarter-million hits. Who would have
Technology moves fast.
I recall agonizing over learning to blog. Now if you...
Is this the End? Maybe for a While.
Some of you are probably wondering why there hasn't been any updates on the
website for a while? Well, it's because I'm winding down Lead Legion
Painting S...
Point Buy Calculator for D&D Next (5e)
Figure out the point buy value of your character for the Dungeons & Dragons
5th edition role playing game with this calculator.
STR 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ...
Anyone need an OD&D cover?
For those who know the dark places to look for such things, there are a
couple of versions of the OD&D booklets combined into a single letter-sized
North Texas RPG Con 2014 Lineup
Well it's time for the 6th Annual North Texas RPG Convention! The NTRPG Con
focuses on old-school Dungeons & Dragons gaming (mainly OD&D, 1E, 2E, or
The Ferrowar
Sometimes the most fierce denizens of a dungeon are the smallest.
The Cat-taurs (a name the Ferrowar loathe) are a clannish breed of fae who
dwell in tun...
Happy birthday, Pat
Today Pat would have been 78, although she never seemed that old. The
Knights are blessed with very young looking skin so I always forgot that
she wasn't a...
Megadungeon Bindings!
When I used to game all the time, most of my GMing took place in Waterdeep
and Undermountain in the forgotten Realms. In order to keep everything
Why Ethereal Jaunt?
Hello, this is Anthony, the guy who's been doing some RPG blogging over at Once
More Unto the Breach for a few years now. So, why would I set up another
Support a Gaming Family Facing Eviction
The below* GoFundMe *was brought to my attention by James Spahn (White Star
and far more). The subject of the GoFundMe, as James told me, is:
*Chris Tra...
15mm Ruin
It has been a while since I've done any 15mm terrain, so I slapped together
some 3d printed ruin bits from *Printable Scenery* and made a simple box
Coffee? Don't Mind if I do!
Time for more shameless self promotion. The blog's Zazzle store has these
mugs and some other things for sale. Follow this link to see what's
Upcoming New Tolkien Book: Collected Poems
FYI: Out on the 17th, just prior to *Hobbit Day* (Sep 22nd, Bilbo/Frodo's
birthday), is *The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien*, a hefty 3-volume (!)
"Pretty soon, entirely without volition on his part, queer, half-formed
dream things would float through his mind . Like dark...
Rogues v. Thieves
Some of you may be aware that I occasionally write about *Castles and
Crusades (C&C); *everyone's favorite 21st century version of *AD&D* that
isn't *Ha...
What a Horrible 15 Years to Have a Curse...
Hey, I've been doing this for 15 years!
And yes, I'm way behind on posting. I've got actual play reports, movie
reviews (Alien: Romulus and Beetlejuice...
Stick a fork in me I'm done. Although, I gotta say, the last two days some
problems bubbled up at work and the old me would have cried first. The new
me ...
OD&D Conundrums: Hit Points
In most versions of D&D, hit points aren't a conundrum at all. You have a
certain amount (increasing as you gain levels), you lose some when you get
Monster Entries Inspired by Dragonbane
As I compile information for my fantasy setting into a document for
tabletop use, I find inspiration in the *Dragonbane* Bestiary entries.
Instead of mer...
Classic Traveller: Snapshot
The recent transfer of Traveller to Mongoose caused me to finally get off
my butt and get a CD order to Far Future Enterprises in for pdfs of a whole
Launch Alert
I have been a huge fan of Tales From the Smoking Worm. Since the first
issue the quality is mercilessly hard to beat. With Issue #10 coming soon,
I wante...
Judge Anderson 1/24th Scale Resin Kit
*A recent haul from Aliexpress included this fantastic resin kit of Psi
Judge Anderson for the princely sum of £8.46 including shipping*
Psi Judge Anders...
#RPGaDay2024 for 27 August: Marvellous miniature
Today's prompt: *Marvellous miniature*
I loved the concept of the Ral Partha three-stage mini: a set of three
minis that represented your character's arc...
The Mystery of the First Blackmoor Map
In this POST from a few years ago, I was concerned with the issue of scale
and distance in Blackmoor in the course of which I attempted to determine
New Monster: Steel Snails
*(Picture from a post on Britain in detail: quirk, charm and craft in the
built environment on facebook.)* Steel Snail
A swarm of small, metallic snails ...
Grimdark vs. Eucatastrophe
Noisms has some interesting ideas in this post about his desire for some
depth to his grimdark, and turns to Gene Wolfe and Tolkien for relief.
Now, it ...
Dragon Player Characters, Part I
I generally dislike the Council of Wyrms campaign setting, but I still use
an altered form of the Dragon races found in the Campaign Option: Council
of Wyr...
Wait... I have a gaming blog, don't I?
It's been awhile, and my muse and I are back on speaking terms, so it's
time to dust off the blog and get to writing again. Even though it seems
that blo...
Brief Encounters
When I was a whelp at my mother's knee D&D encounters used to go like
this. Listen at the door, open and charge in and kill any monsters inside,
Convert 5e monsters to OSR standards
I can't remember what group I was in, but someone asked about converting 5e
monsters to OSR/BFRPG. This is how -I- would do it. I usually work with S&W
Black Pudding 8 Print Edition Out Now!
The print edition of *Black Pudding Issue 8* is now available to order from
the Squarehex site using the following link:
New Finds in 2024.
Every once in a while, whilst watching something on TV, a piece of music
pops up, be it in an advert (not so much lately), or a film, or series,
that make...
Triangulation: The Land That Time Forgot at 100
I was once again offered the opportunity to write for DMR Books - as this
year marks a century since *The Land That Time Forgot* (or the novel fix-up
Ave Atque Vale, Jennell
Jennell Jaquays passed away two days ago, and it's hitting me hard.
I had a chance to meet Jennell at NTRPG 2016 (and '17), and even get into a
My Druid Adventure On Sale
Oakfell Vale, my adventure about mysterious druids in a secluded valley, is
on sale now for 20% off - only $7.99. It is 64 pages, and is intended for
use w...
Heya folks, the 21st Salt Mine book, Import Export, has hit the digital
shelves! In the 21st book we follow Aaron Haddock-codename Stigma-as he
tries to ...
Back to Neverwhere
I was delighted to come home from vacation the other day to find an Amazon
delivery waiting for me. I'd pre-ordered *Den Volume I: Neverwhere* months
A Short Update
Nothing new to share in terms of D&D stuff, but I have to say I've been a
little more productive on another project now that all social media sites
are u...
Monster Stat Concept: Disposition
Yesterday, I introduced the concept of monster Motivations as a way to help
understand how to use that monster when designing encounters, or what they
Moving On...
So, my D&D 5e experiment has blown up the lab in a puff of green smoke
leaving my face blackened like Wile E. Coyote after a failed roadrunner
Acme trap...
There Were Dice
I started my Spelljammer game last weekend. It was my first time DMing
since December 2021. I wasn't as rusty as I thought I was going to be, but
I *was ...
Chronicles of the Adventures in the Dune Imperium!
Cover art for Dune: Chronicles of the Imperium core rulebook
I have one of the few copies of the Dune: Chronicles of the Imperium core
rulebook that were ...
Legends of Law: Von Hoff
Wampus Country has had its share of heroes, both in antiquity and in the
modern era, but perhaps none is held up as the flower of knighthood quite
as mu...
The Brave Art of Running Away
In last night's game, on two separate occasions the player characters
decided that discretion is often the better part of valor, and decided not
to fight...
Abiørn's Satchel
This weathered leather satchel is tooled in nautical designs and is full of
rose-colored salt. Rubbing the salt on a sea creature will dry it out and
Digital Vision Cards 1: Vladimir Kush
Ever since the *Everway* RPG was published back in 1995, its fans have been
supplementing the official Vision Card pictures with images found online.
In ...
Gygax 75 Challenge Sources
These of the sources for my Gygax 75 Challenge. Technically this post
belongs to *Week One*. At first I wasn't going to post my sources, but I
changed my ...
Aerosan OSGA 6
More stuff for Whiteout, this time 2 Aerosans from Baker Company.
In Whiteout you can have Sno-Cats as equipment or find them as
terrain-encounters. My ta...
Necrotic Gnome Bundle of Holding
Hi fellow gamers,
You may have heard of Gavin Norman's Old-School Essentials and Dolmenwood -
well good news for you, as you can nab a Bundle of Holding ch...
The Dozen Peaks of the Scarlet Sultanate
First and foremost, I should acknowledge my debt to the great Chris Kutalik
and his Hill Cantons blog -- I've used a lot of his material in my own
Wargaming Wednesday: Blood Cross Chapter
Well, I'm a month behind already. ~sigh~ I'll just have to get better. As
usual, Amazon affiliate links at the end.
A Tactical Battle Brother of the Blood ...
D&D Sling Damage vs. Large Targets
In many early editions of D&D, weapons were assigned two damage values: one
for small/medium targets (i.e. man-sized) and one for large targets (giants
Lots of Microlite20/74/5e Goodness
I have recently discovered Brian Mathers' blog, The Gnomish Embassy.
Brain's blog has a large number of posts for Microlite20 in general
although his Micr...
Mini-Review: Sennheiser MX 365 Earphones
No, you're not misreading that title. This is not gaming related. I've been
shopping for replacement earbuds for my SanDisk Clip Sport Plus. It came
with e...
My new blog:
For months, I’ve been slowly moving entries from my old blog (here) to my
new blog. I want to escape Blogger both because of technology preferences
(I li...
The Orchid Club
Bral caters to almost every vice, from grand scale corruption, via most
types of imaginable gambling, to lotus addiction, with each sin having its
own v...
Comertul online si lenjeriile de pat
Avand in vedere amploarea pe care a luat-o comertul electronic in ultimii
ani in tara noastra, putem intalni pe intreg internetul magazine online
care ofer...
Mernoth - Political Map
A map of the Kingdom of Mernoth situated within the southern central
portion of the continent of Fayrenneth.
The Realm of Mernoth is one of the oldest n...
Since I last checked in I have played some *Labyrinth Lord* off and on, but
not for quite awhile, and my online group has basically fizzled out -- the
A note to anyone checking this blog:
I've moved my blogging activity to
This blog will remain indefinitely, but will ...
New Site, New Blog
For anyone checking this out: I've moved to a new site for my Starfinder
campaign and blogging activities. You can find my new blog at
The Migration Has Begun
It was inevitable - whether Sarmaks, swallows or Indo-Europeans, folks have
to migrate eventually. Thus, the good old Land of Nod blog is making a move
to ...
Director George Romero passed away.
Hard to believe he's gone. I've seen all of his movies. He's the man who
made everyone know what a zo...
Daily Monster Art- Axe Beak
This art series is more like the monsters I've never actually used in a
game series. I think the axe beak is pretty cool, I mean, it is weird dumb
I don't know why this escaped me for so long, but Amazon has it's own site
for selling comics in digital format and it's awesome. Comixology offers
all the...
Swords & Glory, Vol. 2: Tekumel Player's Handbook
Hello, 14 year-old me... I stumbled across this post on the Tekumel
Foundation blog early this last week, on Facebook (I think I traced that
back correct...
The Beast of Beverly Hills
I am currently sitting in room 231 of The Avalon Hotel in Beverly Hills,
drinking black coffee, contemplating a nightmare. It must be a nightmare. I
can n...
Spinning my Wheels on Systems
Just throwing this out there to see what kind of feedback I get.
I've got a couple of projects that I'd really like to work on. One's
fantasy and one's sc...
Dynamic Grappling
Before I say another word, let me direct the reader to Douglas Cole and
Peter V. Dell'Orto's article on grappling in *The Manor*, issue #8 (
Today would have been Millie's 3rd birthday.
The funds we raised to dedicate an acre of ancient woodland and a memorial
bench has now been completed, and t...
Cara Hack Facebook Terbaru 2015
Meng-hack Facebook memang nggakboleh dan illegal, apalagi dengan tujuan
untuk yang tidak baik. Contohnya untukmenjahili teman, iseng, atau
mengambil alih b...
Wasteland 2110 - Session 1 Summary
(Summary by Pedro)
The game starts with three figures emerging from the wastes: the thrill
seeking motor-head Dean McQueen, the quick-handed scout August,...
Go Vote!!
Remember that poster I worked on a while back? Help us out, and help put my
knowledge of classic D&D to good use!
One Last Adventure with Manly Wade Wellman
The good news is, while I had thought there were only five Kardios sword
& sorcery stories by Manly Wade Wellman, now I know that there are actually
New Campaign 2014 Update
We've been playing 11 session now into the new campaign. The players had
some hairy encounters with Proud, Spider-eye Goblins and Quill Wolves
(along with ...
TESC: Closer look at the Ceraan Sea Region
*Government(s): *City-states with factional influences
*Description: *The desolate deserts of Aztakh are no paradise, but a
paradise of the mind ca...
Faces of Pretomournon:The Dwarf with the Eye-patch
A strange-looking creature, small and stocky, but broad and strong. Maybe
it's a small man, or maybe a large gnome. Maybe it's a member of an unknown...
My FIVE favourite house rules
Two more rules added and then republished to my last 'Three favourite rule'
29th August 2013: "Long time no post. Life, work, other priorities.
But ...
Superheroes don't get their due
*It should come as a shock to no one that I'm a huge fan of superheroes.*
In fact, I've often thought about retooling this blog to be more of a
"spells and...
Cohorts and Apprentices. Useful in so many situations. You just need to
use your imagination and suspend your code of morality.
LooneyDM out
AnyDice Website
For those concerned with the statistical considerations of role playing
games, often one of the most frustrating thing is determining the
statistical distr...
Murderous Menagerie: The Hounds of Skaith
*I am Flay.*
He was big. The ridge of his spine would have reached Stark's shoulder. His
withers were high and powerful. The thick neck drooped with the we...
Over halfway to 90, I started playing AD&D when the Police were a cool band and Punk was wild. I am a father to a ten-year-old Junior Grognard and have now managed to establish a five-strong gaming group made up of him and four of his friends, ages ranging from 10 to 11. Solidly Old-School.
High fives and natural 20s to you all!
Watch out! Pedantic gamer argument about the nature of hit points in three, two, one...
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ReplyDeletePedantic gamers in the OSR? I'll believe that when I see it :)
ReplyDeleteI believe pedantic gamers only get a half hit dice because often times their arguments are so weak. :P
ReplyDeleteBig game hunter answering call for same issued by resident quasi-lich who feels proliferation of ropers obscures view of attractive scintillant gas cloud effusing from paleogean fissure,
ReplyDeletePower to Choose
Power to Choose