Benbo, 3rd level Fighter/4th level Thief - he who dares.
Galzor, 4th level cleric - mysteriously disappeared along with the Third and his coffin.
Zanurax, 3rd level thief (recovering from being partly eaten by a lion and has now gone to join Merlin)
Olaf, 4th level dwarven fighter, now returning to his clan halls
Merlin, 3rd level thief (called away on the business of the Thieves' Guild)
Adthar, 4th level fighter - currently both an Ettin and a statue
Elador, nth level magic-user - called away on special assignments but will act as mentor and adviser to the team
The Fallen
Galadeus, 2nd level ranger - drowned and then eaten by a shark.....aaaaaand he's BACK! aaaaaaaaand he's dead again.
What I'm DMing for 6 new junior players
Old School Links to Wisdom
Give your d12...
...some Old School love
Running now
Call of Cthulhu - visit our wiki
That's what Old School means to me
"These rules are flexible and open to interpretation - designed not to cover all conceivable situations, but to allow good Referees and Players the freedom to create and play games of their own design."
from the Lulu download page for The White Box S&W from BHP
"This game is unlike chess in that the rules are not cut and dried. In many places, they are guidelines and suggested methods only. This is part of the attraction of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons"
Your Cypher Starter
The *Cypher System* was introduced in 2013 with Numenera, the Science
Fantasy roleplaying game of exploration and adventure the very far future,
Friday Night Fun - 3/7/2025
The usual fun for Friday!
- I stumbled on this video on YouTube of a military vet on the Warlord demo
team showing off a setup for Bolt Action. Looks beaut...
[Greyhawk] Theocracy of the Pale
The area known as the Pale, as the name would suggest, once served as the
border of Aerdy with the holdings of the Flan and the humanoid tribes. As
the G...
GM's Day Sale Picks
It's March. That means RPG Drivethru is having its GM Day Sale! I've got a
couple, a few, a whole lot of good picks for you. Here are four that jumped
Alignment again
A quote to start with*:
"Alignment is in the game because, to the original designers, works by Poul
Anderson and Michael Moorcock were considered to be a...
Greyhawkery Comics: Cultists #9
Welcome back to another maniacal episode of the *Cultists of Tharizdun*.
One of their favorite pursuits is finding lost relics in an effort to
destroy th...
The Rule of Dice and the Resort to Chaos
'I've sometimes thought,' said the Head Man, 'it might be interesting if we
didn't let chance decide the moves but thought them out for ourselves.'
Ratpack – Shattered Star Book 4, Sessions 8 and 9
*[Day 5 and Morning Day 6 – Ambushes]*
*[This game uses the Pathfinder 1E role-playing game. Game sessions happen
once a week. These sessions happened ...
Monster Monday: Manacondas for Shadowdark
The subjects of the Nagarajah of Sssirabad are guarded and weary because
many cultures view them with fear and suspicion. Twenty years ago the
Ahktu grew up on the southern coast of the Middle Sea. He spent much of his
youth helping humans along the coast of what is now Andalusia, wandering
Process Book
The Brief For this assignment my brief was to design a Process Book, and
have it printed. This book shows my process, from initial ideas, through
ShadowDark of Strahd - Game 2
If you're new to this series about running Curse of Strahd as a sandbox for
ShadowDark, there have been a few other posts (here). The previous post
Atomic Punk 2240 Deal of the Day!
Anyone that follows this blog should know that I love P.A. RPG's! What you
may not know is that while I don't really play video games, I have enjoyed ...
Design Notes: Adventures in Fantasy for ArneCon 2
I'm posting this after I run the game at ArneCon2. So though I'm
documenting this as I go, by the time anyone reads this these steps will be
behind me.
The Stats of a Dave Arneson Player Character.
If you want to find the details for one of the characters that Gary Gygax
made and played as a PC, perhaps to use as an NPC in your own game, it
isn't t...
Session One Hundred Fourteen: Love Triangle
DimitriaAbbas accepted Kraah's pledge to defend the Lost Oasis.
Day 7, Week 2, Fifthover, Friend's Vengeance, 190th King's Age, Sun
In the mor...
2024 Kickstarters
My annual update of the status of the Kickstarters I have backed. No new
additions to the wall of shame and "Lady Ingrade" actually posted a draft
in No...
Radioactive Review: 'Bats' (1993)
Haven't done one of these in a while, and as I'm clearing out the shelves,
figgered what the hell.
*Bats* is terrible. And gets worse the more...
Kanoodle as In-Game Puzzle - Part 1
For a very long time, I've been interested in integrating real puzzles into
my tabletop games. I know that some folks prefer to keep character skills
Traveller : Session 53
This session was run on January 18, 2024.
In the morning, they decided to take the Gerald Masters interview job.
Marvin was still...
The Reynardine
Reynardines are foxes cursed to go about the world in the manner of men, or
perhaps men that are cursed to go about the world in the manner of foxes.
Sharpened Hooks: Santa Claus vs. Troika
December is shaping up to be quite busy, so I suspect I won't have an
opportunity to use these, but you might! Here are two *Troika!* adventure
hooks for...
When did the OSR begin? 2008.
I was looking through a box of some of my old gaming stuff and I ran across
a bunch of old OSR zines and DIY supplements from 15+ years ago. I thought,
Early TSR Modules: A Study in Style
B1 In Search of the Unknown -- Classic dungeon crawl which was designed to
train DMs in stocking and to some extent designing dungeons
D1 Descent i...
Gwenevere (2023)
Poster by Sarah McIntyreBanished from Camelot, Queen Gwenevere (Laura
Frances Martin) must travel across wild country to the abbey where she is
to live out...
The Great Migration
One way or another, this blog is not long for the world.
The great and powerful Goog is a capricious and fickle technical wizard.
To cut him off at the knees...
Reevaluating My RPG Gamer (NON) Life
*After the 4E Apocalypse and the OSR*
Well my old group from back in 2006-2009, well some of the people started
to suck and make it n...
Mold lines are the bane of my existence
This afternoon I was putting some models together, cleaning mold lines, and
doing some basing. Mold lines are a long-running antagonist for my hobby
Troika! review/overview
As an avowed Advanced Fighting Fantasy fan, I've been a big fan of Daniel
Sell's Troika!, even though I've STILL not got it to the table. It's a
really te...
Still here, part 2
As mentioned in Part 1, I've been posting more elsewhere and I need to
refresh this neglected blog.
Along with more gaming content, I want to update the H...
Mine Playset Finished
Boy, it feels good to see a project through to completion. The color
scheme looks really good. It was a good first run, especially in getting
an idea...
Dungeons & Dragonmead Fall Schedule
*As you know, I run public classic Dungeons & Dragons games at **The Loaded
Die**/Metro Detroit Game Night's Board Game Nigh at **Dragonmead**, in
Landsknecht Link Roundup, July/Aug
Ba Chim seal of approval!
(Art by Dreadbeasts) I posted this on but it bears reposting (and
expanding) here:
- Not *quite* RPG related, but H...
Hey, long time no post I know, but I am going to try to post again. Right
now I am not doing much gaming, but I am hoping to start. I am playing a
Can't Stop Thinking About Weapons
Predictably enough, when I set down to whittle the 5e rules down to
something that I'm interested in running, one of the first things that I
take a look at...
Hearts of Wulin Kickstarter
*Hearts of Wulin*,* an RPG of wuxia melodrama, funded in less than an hour.*
Driven by the characters’ duties, desires, and entanglements with other
James's Celebration of Life
We could not have asked for a prettier day for James's service. It was a
bit chilly and windy but gorgeous. A heartfelt thank you to all that joined
us tod...
Dick Dale
I'm sad today because one of my personal heroes has passed away today. Dick
Dale was 81, and to me that's too young for a man who was such a giant
Human Infravision
Gizmodo reports "By injecting nanoparticles into the eyes of mice,
scientists gave them the ability to see near-infrared light—a wavelength
not normally vi...
FLINTLOCK FANTASY: Episode II Play Report!
The second session kicked off with the aftermath of the Machetza showdown
and monstrous attack at the Welcome Arms *(which you can read about HERE)*.
The p...
Wots All This Then
Having two posts in a row being like "I'm back!", three years apart, is ah,
not such a good look.
Thankfully, when you get down to it, it doesn't really ma...
A Sojourn Among Antediluvian Archæotheria
This started with nomenclature, as so many things do. I started writing a
response to Scrap Princess's post about Dinosaur naming conventions in the
Frightful Fridays! Opportunistic Griffons
Hello and welcome back to the first post of 2019. I hope the new year has
started well for you. I'm making up for lost time with five monsters for
you this...
The giant giant adventure
I wasn't in the mood to run any games today, so instead I decided to
exploit the brains of ten kids in order to create a campaign. I quite like
what this r...
Turkey Tarrasque
In honor of Thanksgiving I present to you the Turkey Tarrasque, Turkeysque
for short. He'll be utilizing the basic framework I discussed earlier for
Here Be Dungeons 20: Camp Righteous
Click to make big My final draft design of Camp Righteous and the House of
the Crocodile, developed for Wizards of the Coast's "Tomb of Annihilation".
Pathfinder 2 (Playtest) Session Zero
*After a long hiatus I've decided to return to writing here on my
blog. Tabletop role playing has been a favorite hobby of mine for years.
Even though...
Lost in Translation - the Fighting-Man
I've been pondering a lot lately about the LBB fighting-man. No shock
there. I have several posts in draft form that I'm working on addressing
this. Hopefu...
The West is Dying: Book 1 Fall of the First World
The West is Dying
Book 1 Fall of the First World
Written by David C. Smith
$2,99 Kindle
$19.99 Paperback
I read a few of David C. Smith's books back in...
The One Ring RPG Documents
Don't mess with Dain.
Heya folks!
I've been away for a bit, busy with life and all that. I'm currently
involved in an ongoing The One Ring campaign tha...
Bonelord-A Villain for Light City
This is a Light City version of a character I created for Icons 8 years
ago! Enjoy!
Real Name: Clinton Darnell
First Appearance: Mike’s Ama...
The Fungus that re-visited Blackeswell
Hi Reader!
Do you remember a little module by the name of *The Fungus that Came to
Blackeswell*, first ambulant around 2013? Yes? Then sadly the mind-bore ...
Thouls are undead abominations. Patchwork creatures, they possess a
strangely refined version of the canibal cravings of ghouls. They will chew
off a part ...
What Happens to Joe the Farmer Now? You Tell Me
So I made a post about a simple farmer finding a Vorpal Sword in the woods
the other day. It was to discuss certain aspects of magic items in a
Dikes Fall, Session 5
*Tower of Babel* by Brueghel The party approached the central spire and see
an enormous wooden gate. Mangus pushed the gate open "respectfully but
Regarding ACKS and Autarch LLC
One of the few RPG products that carries my name in the credits is the core *Adventurer
Conqueror King* rulebook. I helped out with editing and proofreading...
Gonzo Sci-Fantasy - What is it?
Hello all,
It's been a bit since I blogged on gaming in general. Life has taken over
and I am pretty sure that blogs have been relegated to a bit of a...
Summer's Gone, and the World's a Darker Place
This isn't a gaming post, but a memorial.
I found out this morning that a student of mine passed away. Her name was
Summer, and she was one of my very favo...
Stir-Fried Kale with Mushrooms, Garlic and Ginger
Yes, it's been a while since my last blog post. I've not stopped cooking
or eating but lots of other things have happened over the last 18 months.
First I...
Adventure Lookup
This looks like a handy resource :
Looks like more than 200 1e/B/x/osr adventures in the database so far.
Should come in handy next tim...
Rotogawa Part III
Been a while.
Anyway, been working on the Free City of Rotogawa, City of the Seven Lakes,
Eastern outpost of the Empire (in name if not in practice), and t...
I'm very pleased to announce that I've received the outline and readied the
cover for the first Battleaxes & Beasties adventure that is not written by
me. ...
Playing Curse of Strahd on-line
Due to some real life issues, my regular game is on hiatus and my son has
stepped in and is running The Curse of Strahd, the adventure from Wizards
of the ...
Still Out There, a Short Update
I'm not gaming right now and not working on anything GURPS or OSR related
Reason is pretty simple, I'm mostly interested in GMing and while I'm
willing to...
Tollandor - Political Map
The erstwhile Kingdom of Tollandor, situated in south eastern portion of
the continent of Fayrenneth is one of the group of young kingdoms which
sprang ...
Dungeonteller: Beyond the Core Books
FYI for all of you who snagged free copies of Dungeonteller Fantasy RPG
during the "Happy Birthday '2' Dungeonteller" giveaway a few weeks back:
add to you...
Vikings on my Mind
Crap. I'm doing it again. I can never focus long enough on one campaign
idea to get any meaningful work done on it. A couple of months ago it was *White ...
Giambattista's Megadungeon
Doing some organizing in my D&D folder on my computer today I came across
this incredible megadungeon map drawn by Giambattista Nolli in 1748. I
think I c...
Appendix N: May 2016 Edition
I've been looking for some decent bookcases for about four years.
I finally came across the bookcases, above, which a used bookstore were
getting rid ...
Privateer Press and Mark III
So things don't happen in a vacuum.
On one hand, Privateer Press announces a policy to handle online
discounters to grow the hobby.
On the other, they sho...
Old friends
The body was that of a man. Stripped, and staked to the ground. He had been
eviscerated, and his guts left strewn about. What was left of them. The
Eureka! Password Recovered
Gee, that only took forever. First, I would like to apologize from my
prolonged absence from this blog. There are several reasons. I had some
major life up...
Time For A New Adventure?
This is not the post I had originally thought of for post #150 of this
blog. Every so often in life, a person realizes that they are just going
through the...
Deep Dungeons
Life changes and things get hard. I no longer play in a band and I am not
dating Amy anymore.
I have spent time fixing up my game room a...
Mage the Awakening: No Mean City
Way, way back in 2011 I spoke about starting a Werewolf: The Forsaken Game
chronicile in Glasgow. It kind of fell through, but I've about to start
DMing a...
Fin. With an update
*Updated 2/24/15* - So when I wrote this over three years ago, I had a huge
life project come upon me, it was time to put my energy into something
else. I ...
Episode 30: The Conclusion
‘The Conclusion’ is the 30th episode of a Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG actual
play podcast. Additional information can be found
Spell Casting Under Fire
This probably has been thought up before but I've been considering easy
ways to factor in casting spells while taking damage that don't require
lots of fuc...
Brief update
Just looked in on the blog. A quarter-million hits. Who would have
Technology moves fast.
I recall agonizing over learning to blog. Now if you...
Is this the End? Maybe for a While.
Some of you are probably wondering why there hasn't been any updates on the
website for a while? Well, it's because I'm winding down Lead Legion
Painting S...
Readers of this blog will know that I'm into heavily homebrewing my
campaign. If I were running games right now, I'd be running a weird cross
between S&W a...
Point Buy Calculator for D&D Next (5e)
Figure out the point buy value of your character for the Dungeons & Dragons
5th edition role playing game with this calculator.
STR 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ...
Anyone need an OD&D cover?
For those who know the dark places to look for such things, there are a
couple of versions of the OD&D booklets combined into a single letter-sized
North Texas RPG Con 2014 Lineup
Well it's time for the 6th Annual North Texas RPG Convention! The NTRPG Con
focuses on old-school Dungeons & Dragons gaming (mainly OD&D, 1E, 2E, or
Happy New Year!
First of all, I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and a happy New Year's
Eve celebration. Mine was okay, and I'm kind of glad it's all finally over.
The Ferrowar
Sometimes the most fierce denizens of a dungeon are the smallest.
The Cat-taurs (a name the Ferrowar loathe) are a clannish breed of fae who
dwell in tun...
Happy birthday, Pat
Today Pat would have been 78, although she never seemed that old. The
Knights are blessed with very young looking skin so I always forgot that
she wasn't a...
Classic Traveller redux
We haven't had a game in a few weeks and this weekend someone couldn't make
it (2 players out of a possible 4 is too few). We tried rolling up Classic
Megadungeon Bindings!
When I used to game all the time, most of my GMing took place in Waterdeep
and Undermountain in the forgotten Realms. In order to keep everything
Why Ethereal Jaunt?
Hello, this is Anthony, the guy who's been doing some RPG blogging over at Once
More Unto the Breach for a few years now. So, why would I set up another
Crusader 1
I found this FDM print I did some years ago and decided to do something
with it.
The Crusader is maybe the worst possible choice for FDM printing, wit...
The gifted Ugo Serrano returns to our pages with this ornate reliquary.
The chasse was made with an off the shelf wooden niche that was leafed in
real g...
Let the players play! MWFs in old time modules
I have a longstanding beef with modules that have some rule written into
them that forbids the players from learning important information or
performing ...
Practical Magic - Dungeon 113
Practical Magic is an adventure full of personality. Many personalities in
A necromancer whose work is focused on making skilled undead even bette...
MASS DECLUTTER (part 1) (+ Tim's Cooties)
For Valentine's Day Tim gave me his cooties. That was NOT fun. On the
bright side, he's been back to work and for me, it's my second day fully
dressed. ...
A Robert E. Howard Reader at Fantasy Con Scotland
"The Legend" by George Paul Chalmers (ca 1864),
illustrating a scene from *The Pirate* (1821) by Walter Scott
Scotland, befitting a land of inventors and ...
Gary Con 2025
This has been tough the last couple of years, due to health and finances. I
hope to do this for many more years to come, but I am not sure how that
Holmes Day 2025
*J. Eric Holmes at his chalkboard game table, contemplating miniatures and
notes.Taken by Tony Bernard for the 1979 L.A. Times article, "Fantasy Life
Well. Here we are again.
It's been a while of sickness, needing a wheelchair, and being mostly
bed-ridden. SO I do have time for games when I'm not too ...
Against 2d6
The players from my Classic Traveller one-shot last week started asking
whether there would be more adventures for those characters. I felt a
certain un...
DM Style Questionnaire: What are you playing like?
*Hey folks. Quick little post here since I had a discussion with a good
friend about the different types of rpg out there and what that means
(please tra...
"The thing called Mop-Head was not an animal or plant or rock, although, by
now it was a little of each. It had no definite body, and it longed f...
Forever unto the breach, dear friends...
Sorry, I haven't been around. But it's for all the right reasons. My
roleplaying card is constantly filled, these days.
I started Once More Unto the Brea...
The Stats of a Dave Arneson Player Character.
If you want to find the details for one of the characters that Gary Gygax
made and played as a PC, perhaps to use as an NPC in your own game, it
isn't t...
[Dragonbane] Mirth & Mayhem in Vegas
Every January, my 1990s Philadelphia gaming group holds a reunion in Las
Vegas. We hang out, give ourselves meat-sweats at Fogo de Chao, and run RPG
2024 Reading Recap
I thought it would be fun to look back at what I read last year in fantasy.
2024 was a bit of a disappointment because I only read five things: four
And Now For Something Completely Different
I'm participating in another blogging challenge this month, the 31 Day
Character Creation Challenge - I opted to make a classic *Traveller*
character each ...
D&D Things I've Been Vibing With Lately
Despite a distinct lack of gaming in 2024, I've still been absorbing a lot
of D&D-related material. Books, blogs, podcasts, videos on Youtube...
there's a...
Monster Entries Inspired by Dragonbane
As I compile information for my fantasy setting into a document for
tabletop use, I find inspiration in the *Dragonbane* Bestiary entries.
Instead of mer...
New Finds in 2024.
Every once in a while, whilst watching something on TV, a piece of music
pops up, be it in an advert (not so much lately), or a film, or series,
that make...
A Short Update
Nothing new to share in terms of D&D stuff, but I have to say I've been a
little more productive on another project now that all social media sites
are u...
Monster Stat Concept: Disposition
Yesterday, I introduced the concept of monster Motivations as a way to help
understand how to use that monster when designing encounters, or what they
There Were Dice
I started my Spelljammer game last weekend. It was my first time DMing
since December 2021. I wasn't as rusty as I thought I was going to be, but
I *was ...
Legends of Law: Von Hoff
Wampus Country has had its share of heroes, both in antiquity and in the
modern era, but perhaps none is held up as the flower of knighthood quite
as mu...
Abiørn's Satchel
This weathered leather satchel is tooled in nautical designs and is full of
rose-colored salt. Rubbing the salt on a sea creature will dry it out and
Squarehex 2019 Review and 2020 Plans
2019 was a good year for the business. The two highlights for me were
getting *The Black Hack Second Edition* rewards sent out to our Kickstarter
backers ...
Two Nightwick-Inspired Campaign Ideas
One of the challenges I often face when designing D&D campaigns is what I
refer to as "the whole deal." Even if I'm starting a campaign with a small
Dark Crystal TV Show
*Edit: I have changed my mind drastically about this show. I plan on
writing a follow-up sometime soon, but after watching the rest of episode
1, I watched...
The Infernals
Soooo,the beholder ended up sucking to the point where I don't even want to
post pics until I paint it again. However, work has been a bit light this
week ...
Whence the Labyrinth?
Dungeons are probably the most common adventure locale in role playing
games; they were the cornerstone of every adventure in the early days, and
remain po...
Landsknecht Link Roundup, July/Aug
Ba Chim seal of approval!
(Art by Dreadbeasts) I posted this on but it bears reposting (and
expanding) here:
- Not *quite* RPG related, but H...
Ravensburg Reboot: Streamlined City Map
I mentioned in my last post how I was tweaking and reworking parts of my
Ravensburg setting. Today I streamlined the city map. The old map had lots
of redu...
This is only for followers ...with thanks!
Thank you for following and here are a few newer [ish] pieces which I do
hope you enjoy.
They are in no particular order and if some appear to be 'older' i...
The Forbidden Wilderlands Calendar
One of the big efforts I'm trying to make in my Forbidden Wilderlands
campaign is to keep proper track of time. I'm using a modified version of
the Wilder...
Helgacon 12 - Stay Frosty
The second game I was in for the Premium segment of this recent Helgacon
was "Stay Frosty" run by Paul. This apparently was an adaptation of James
Wots All This Then
Having two posts in a row being like "I'm back!", three years apart, is ah,
not such a good look.
Thankfully, when you get down to it, it doesn't really ma...
PBE Games - Belated New Year's Update
Well, I've finally gotten around to providing a year-end wrapup of PBE
Games releases. I think this listing covers everything released since the last
post ...
Mudwarren Zine!
A project I had a hand in was released yesterday.
Evyln Moreau has released the *Mudwarren Zine*, a final compilation of a
community project started on two...
How can We Destroy this Campaign World?
1. You must trick a bard into strumming the *Chords of Fate* on the *Lute
of Annihilation*
2. Legends tell of thermonuclear weapons beneath megadunge...
Hirelings for my Barrowmaze campaign
I have been creating a random generation spreadsheet for hirelings for my
new Barrowmaze campaign, which is set in my Japan-like setting called
Oyashima. ...
The Fungus that re-visited Blackeswell
Hi Reader!
Do you remember a little module by the name of *The Fungus that Came to
Blackeswell*, first ambulant around 2013? Yes? Then sadly the mind-bore ...
Dikes Fall, Session 5
*Tower of Babel* by Brueghel The party approached the central spire and see
an enormous wooden gate. Mangus pushed the gate open "respectfully but
Comertul online si lenjeriile de pat
Avand in vedere amploarea pe care a luat-o comertul electronic in ultimii
ani in tara noastra, putem intalni pe intreg internetul magazine online
care ofer...
Hinterverse, a Glossary
Antikytheron, the
Core prognostication device of the Great Machine, origin unknown.
Arcturean Arm
A minor spiral arm of the Hinterverse.
The birth...
Happy Christmas!
*Grimgor Ironhide and the Immortals*
*Balthus the Eviscerator*
*Woomungus, Lord of the Blighted Plain astride Gnasher*
*The Bastard Squad*
*The ga...
The impracticality of the Seven Gods
1st: "The Sleeper" sounds more like the title of a Wood Allen movie than
the name of a potential world builder. Sleepy's name will be changed to
Luna, 'cau...
Dolmenwood: The Book of Monsters So Far
Since the announcement of the work on the Dolmenwood book of monsters in
*Wormskin* issue seven, I've been meaning to write a quick blog post about
New Site, New Blog
For anyone checking this out: I've moved to a new site for my Starfinder
campaign and blogging activities. You can find my new blog at
Happy Gygax Day!
July 27th was Gary Gygax's birthday, and now it's Gary Gygax Day. I think
that's a worthy thing for the RPG community; Gary didn't create RPGs but he
Eurafrika Attacks! [Campaign Idea]
Around about 1929, a German architect by the name of Herman Sörgel came
with an idea he called Atlantropa. The idea was simple (no, not really) -
he was go...
It's hard to do horror in D&D
I love the Ravenloft setting, but I have to admit that it is really hard to
pull off horror games with Dungeons & Dragons. The biggest issue is
clerics. Th...
Daily Monster Art- Anhkheg
Again, I don`t think I`ve ever used these in a game.They are pretty gross
gribbly beasts. Spitting acid and chomping and such. They kind of make me
I don't know why this escaped me for so long, but Amazon has it's own site
for selling comics in digital format and it's awesome. Comixology offers
all the...
Rumors about Froghemoths
Just thought I'd come up with some ideas for everyone's favorite giant
three-eyed alien monsters. Roll a dice or whatever to find out which ones
are true.
Tollandor - Political Map
The erstwhile Kingdom of Tollandor, situated in south eastern portion of
the continent of Fayrenneth is one of the group of young kingdoms which
sprang ...
Thanks, Evlyn Moreau
UPDATE: Evlyn is back! Cool. I hear Evlyn Moreau is taking a break. That's
OK; I hope she feels better soon.
But I've really enjoyed her work, and I feel...
My Online LL Group is a Treasure
*Members of my "home" Labyrinth Lord group in fall 2010. *
I recently wrote about experiencing DM burnout and consequently placing
both my Labryinth Lord...
Privateer Press and Mark III
So things don't happen in a vacuum.
On one hand, Privateer Press announces a policy to handle online
discounters to grow the hobby.
On the other, they sho...
2015: The Year D&D Paid
To all my blog readers, compatriots on Google Plus and especially all my
customers, you have made 2015 an amazing year for me.
My sales at ...
Spinning my Wheels on Systems
Just throwing this out there to see what kind of feedback I get.
I've got a couple of projects that I'd really like to work on. One's
fantasy and one's sc...
In Search of the Unknown: How the Party Gathers
[image: B1: The party gathers by David Sutherland]
B1: The party gathers by David Sutherland In a classic D&D adventure,
characters in search of adventur...
Dynamic Grappling
Before I say another word, let me direct the reader to Douglas Cole and
Peter V. Dell'Orto's article on grappling in *The Manor*, issue #8 (
Today would have been Millie's 3rd birthday.
The funds we raised to dedicate an acre of ancient woodland and a memorial
bench has now been completed, and t...
Cara Hack Facebook Terbaru 2015
Meng-hack Facebook memang nggakboleh dan illegal, apalagi dengan tujuan
untuk yang tidak baik. Contohnya untukmenjahili teman, iseng, atau
mengambil alih b...
Wasteland 2110 - Session 1 Summary
(Summary by Pedro)
The game starts with three figures emerging from the wastes: the thrill
seeking motor-head Dean McQueen, the quick-handed scout August,...
Go Vote!!
Remember that poster I worked on a while back? Help us out, and help put my
knowledge of classic D&D to good use!
Monster/Adventure: Apisastes [S&W] [5e]
I'm experimenting with dual-stat blocks for monsters. This is a first
draft, so expect changes and feedback is strongly desired.
*Update: Revised stat block...
Deep Carbon Observatory: The Flooded Land
This is pretty accurate...
The always provocative and endearingly arcane Patrick Stuart at Fal...
(SW) Fearsome Critters: Cake Walk
*Savage Worlds* is the role-playing game that bills itself on being "Fast,
Furious, and Fun." Over the years I've played elvish warriors, pulp
One Last Adventure with Manly Wade Wellman
The good news is, while I had thought there were only five Kardios sword
& sorcery stories by Manly Wade Wellman, now I know that there are actually
New Campaign 2014 Update
We've been playing 11 session now into the new campaign. The players had
some hairy encounters with Proud, Spider-eye Goblins and Quill Wolves
(along with ...
TESC: Closer look at the Ceraan Sea Region
*Government(s): *City-states with factional influences
*Description: *The desolate deserts of Aztakh are no paradise, but a
paradise of the mind ca...
Faces of Pretomournon:The Dwarf with the Eye-patch
A strange-looking creature, small and stocky, but broad and strong. Maybe
it's a small man, or maybe a large gnome. Maybe it's a member of an unknown...
My FIVE favourite house rules
Two more rules added and then republished to my last 'Three favourite rule'
29th August 2013: "Long time no post. Life, work, other priorities.
But ...
Cohorts and Apprentices. Useful in so many situations. You just need to
use your imagination and suspend your code of morality.
LooneyDM out
AnyDice Website
For those concerned with the statistical considerations of role playing
games, often one of the most frustrating thing is determining the
statistical distr...
Murderous Menagerie: The Hounds of Skaith
*I am Flay.*
He was big. The ridge of his spine would have reached Stark's shoulder. His
withers were high and powerful. The thick neck drooped with the we...
Over halfway to 90, I started playing AD&D when the Police were a cool band and Punk was wild. I am a father to a ten-year-old Junior Grognard and have now managed to establish a five-strong gaming group made up of him and four of his friends, ages ranging from 10 to 11. Solidly Old-School.
High fives and natural 20s to you all!
Yeah, Palpatine is in his parents basement right now cooking up Tomb of Horrors 2... lol
ReplyDeleteThese Evil DM posts are hilarious. Keep em comming if you can.