1000s of copper 1-8 50%
1000s of silver 1-6 25%
1000s of electrum 1-4 25%
1000s of gold 1-3 25%
100s of platinum nil
Gems 1-8 30%
Jewellery 1-4 20%
Magic items Sword, armour or misc. weapon 10%
Higher on the copper, much less rewarding at the gold/platinum end of the spectrum. Yes, there are gems and jewellery but substantially down on the lapidarist's squee-fest that was Treasure Type A. Those who like their hoards magic-rich had better get ready to be disappointed.
Where might we find this hoard? Well, a veritable mixed bunch this week, which might mean that the hoard I've written up may need to be adjusted depending on environment. Where else might you find hobbits, werewolves and shambling mounds rubbing shoulders?
Carrion Crawler
Type 1 Demon
Dragon Turtle
Hobbit (Halfling)
Lizard, Fire
Mind Flayer
Spirit Naga
Purple Worm
Sea Lion
Shambling Mound
And so to the hoard.
870 copper pieces. 240 of these are in fact triangular and have a symbol at each corner of the coin. If six of them are laid together to form a hexagon, they will emit a soothing tone which will aid restful sleep and induce calm in those who hear it.
1357 copper pieces are locked inside a chest which has a security mechanism. If an unsuccessful attempt is made to pick the lock, a container of acid in the lid opens and dissolves the contents into a stinking and noxious sludge. If the lock is ignored in favour of smashing open the lid, the acid will turn into a corrosive gas that will cover a 30’ x 30’ space in one round. Save vs. Breath or take burns to the face that will remove 1d3 of CHA.
A tatty-looking raven in an iron cage. It is worth perhaps 4cp but if kept for more than a few hours, it will caw a phrase that sounds like the name of a legendary but dangerous dungeon, reputed in myth to house a treasure of immense proportions. Speak with Animals will allow the caster to have a conversation with the raven, during which it will give more clues as the location of the dungeon in return for privileges and better treatment.
A figure made of twisted fragments of copper wire. It is in the shape of a bird-headed human and although it seems to be many hundreds of years old, it is in fact a fake that has been aged to appear antique. Nevertheless, it will still fool anybody who is not an expert on the art of the period. Its metal value is 21cp but it can be sold for a good deal more to the right (i.e. uninformed) buyer.
A set of spoons, thirteen in number. Each is topped with a tiny figure that represents one of the Immortal Heroes of an eastern cult that is thought to be extinct. In that cult, the spoons are considered a valuable prize that proves the courage and skill of its members. The value of the set to an interested buyer will be in the region of 120sp.
Three flasks of oil (1gp each) – one of these has a hairline crack in it that will cause it to shatter (save v Crushing Blow) as it is about to be used.
57 silver pieces contained in a leather cap, tied up with gut. It makes a handy carrying bag but the cap is actually a Weaver’s Coif and will store the dreams of whoever wears it, then replay a random dream into the head of the next wearer.
A tatty, stained and marked book that has lost its cover and has been repaired with string. However, it is well worth its value of 600sp since it bears the title “Onn notte gettygne caughte; I wille revele to ye secrettes of the meckanicks of trappes and in soe doinge mayeke of ye a bettere thiefe”
It is as good as its word and a thorough perusal thereof will allow the bearer to increase their “Find/Remove Traps” skill by 3 levels. If the reader is not a thief, they will acquire the skill level of a 2nd level thief.
A charming bridle for a lady’s riding horse, made of silver and finely finished leather. Worth 24sp
A set of pewter tankards, five in all, which have various pictures of historic castles and their coats of arms. On the back of each tankard is a verse which, if deciphered, will reveal a ribald and amusing fact
about the holders of the coats of arms. The total value of this set is 75sp
A wooden box that, when opened, has a very fragrant scent indeed. Inside, wrapped in tissue paper of a rose pink colour are 12 blocks of soap which, if used to wash with, will nullify the user’s personal scent so that they cannot be tracked by any creature which uses smell to do so. The value of this box is 60sp
257 electrum pieces sewn into the lining of a jerkin that is covered in plates of poor-quality steel. The jangling of the plates may well mask the sound of the coins as they move inside the jerkin.
A wooden box which, if opened out will form a chessboard. Inside the box are two sets of figures, one made of electrum, the other of jet. One pawn and a knight are missing from the electrum set, a bishop and a rook from the jet. The whole set is worth 350ep, even missing its pieces. If all the pieces are obtained and a game is played, whoever checkmates the opponent’s king will cause that figure to animate, bow low to the victor and recite a rhyme that is a clue to the burial site of Pqaa, the set’s maker. He was a jeweller of rare skill and ability and many of his works were buried with him.
A set (6) of small leather pouches, each of which contain a pale blue powder which, if touched to the tongue, taste slightly of vanilla sugar. The powder is actually a revolutionary weight-loss drug which, if taken before bedtime, causes the user to lose 1-20% of their body mass by the morning. As can be imagined, this is much in demand amongst the nobility and therefore each pouch is worth 5 ep each.
308 gold pieces, 87 of which are in a metal tin that is shaped to resemble an eastern potentate’s palace. It once contained exotic spices and there is still a faint scent from the tin.
An alabaster vase that has bas-relief figures of goddesses in skimpy clothing in provocative poses. It is worth perhaps 25gp but to the right collector, much more. The goddesses are in fact the handmaidens of the Martyr Prophet and even to depict them clothed is a right arrogated to the Prophet’s priesthood. The vase itself would be counted a blasphemy by the Prophet’s followers.
A silver monstrance, set with gold detail, intricate in its design and covered with tiny curlicues that resemble angelic beings. It was looted from a Lawful Good monastery many years ago, sawn off at its base (where the silver is ragged and sharp) but despite this, its value is 45gp and if returned to the heirs of the monks, would fetch probably twice that.
A box made of cedarwood, with silver hinges and a clasp (worth 17sp on its own). Inside this is a golden spectacle frame (worth 7gp on its own) and a set of lenses (6) in different colours. The coloured lenses, if fitted into the frames, perform the following functions
Red – magnify the object looked at by 10
Green – reveals the presence of out-of-phase objects and creatures
Blue – slows down what is looked at by a factor of 10
Yellow – reveals the trail of any precious metal (up to six hours previously) as a diaphanous pattern in the air.
Purple – causes the presence of any disease to show up as a patch of darkness when a person is looked at
Orange – replicates the infravision ability
The lenses are quite fragile and may be broken by sudden impacts unless stored in the cushioning safety of the box.
The whole box, lenses and all will increase the value to 90gp
A piece of malachite, worth 10gp, carved into the shape of a human skull. It is fascinatingly beautiful. Legend has it that it is one of the fabled Talking Skulls of Haaquool, made over seven centuries ago for a temple hacked from basalt on the rim of an extinct chain of volcanoes. This is not true as the skulls in question were several times larger and the sound of the wind as it blew through the cavities of the skulls made what sounded like voices. This particular skull is perhaps half the size of a human fist and has no obvious properties apart from the visual.

An earring, made of wrought silver and ivory. The design appears to be two sinuous female forms, touching at the hands, which are extended above their heads (this is where the clasp is) and the feet. A pair would be worth 500gp but a single one is worth only 200gp. Depending on the guardian, the earring could still be attached to a human ear which is itself threaded onto a piece of twine and hung around the monster’s neck.
A longsword that sits in the bony hand of a withered skeleton. It has a hilt made of carved black wood, the crossguard in the shape of a human legbone. The skull’s face is still fixed in a snarl of anger and frustration. Its armour is hewn, dented and pierced in several areas with ragged holes. Whoever the dead man was certainly put up a hell of a fight. By his side, scrawled in dried blood with one bony finger is the phrase “Free at last!”
His scabbard is still attached to his belt; it is of black leather, decorated with silver fittings and studded with small carved pieces of jet.
The sword is in fact a -2 sword, its owner cursed always to use it against their enemies. This is what happened to the dead man, overwhelmed by his foes, much as he would have loved to have thrown his weapon aside and surrendered. If a sword could be said to look smug, this one would do so. Its name is Attekal.
[DG note – if the treasure is found in the lair of a creature which would have valued this or stored it, the skeleton will not be present, merely the sword and scabbard]
A nice hoard--and good find on that skull.
ReplyDeleteThis is the best D&D blog post that I've read in a good long while, I think I will steal it. Please keep this series going!