Tuesday 26 January 2010

Newcomers, are ye hungry?

Mr Gone, Jaerdaph, Tim Shorts at Gothridge Manor - your perspicacity and good taste shall be rewarded!

And ancientvaults - feast on this. I hear that other blogs don't offer such hearty fare.


  1. I look forward to it very much! :)

    I recently introduced my young nephews (ages 10 and 7) to roleplaying - we're playing "D&D" using the Microlite20 rules.

  2. Starving. Love this blog. And your campaign ideas and notes are "scrumtrilescent." Post more!

  3. Scrumtrilescent - that's going into my dictionary as of now.

    Thanks for the kind feedback; I will be posting more stuff when my packed schedule allows.

  4. Oh, yeah! Thank you, but damn, that makes my mouth water. I will be buying some Stilton later today now!
