Open the gates! Lower the drawbridge! Bring out the best wine! A Paladin in Citadel has joined the followers of Daddy Grognard!
Welcome, my friend. I hope that you'll find this corner of the blogosphere to your liking. I have plenty of (hopefully) interesting stuff lined up and have reciprocated your kind gesture by becoming one of your followers in return.
All the best to you and may your +5 Holy Avenger never miss!
Wednesday Comics: DC, May 1984 (week 3)
My mission: read DC Comics' output from January 1980 (cover date) to
*Crisis*! This week, I'm looking at the comics Santa might have stuffed in
a stocking ...
7 hours ago
Thanks for the warm welcome. The irony is that I have never played a Paladin. Now, which end of this holy avenger do I stick things with...
ReplyDeleteWow, that is TOO good! I of course naturally assumed that APiC had played tons of paladins. As an ex-paladin myself, who was apeshit over the class as a youth but who more or less despises them now as a jaded older player, I am overjoyed to hear that Paladin is not a paladin fanatic!
ReplyDeleteIt's not surprising that Paladin has never played a paladin, considering the odds against rolling one.
ReplyDeleteI'm not too good at statistics, so forgive my rusty maths/math, here goes
Str 12
Int 9
Wisd 13
Dex No requirement
Con 9
Cha 17
Okay, so as far as percentages go, that's
39% x 56% x 33% x 89% x 56% x 11% =
0.395% chance of rolling a paladin.
That's straight 3d6. The odds will of course be different for the 4d6, keep the 3 best method. But I'm not numerate enough to work that one out.
Any takers? Feel free to kick my innumerate ass as long as you can give the right answer as well.