Greetings to John L Williams and Narmer, my two latest followers.
To John, I'll say that I find your blog stimulating, thought-provoking and very amusing, and I'm glad to have you on board. To Narmer, I'll say Iiwy em hotep, which I'm unreliably informed is Ancient Egyptian for Welcome.
Narmer, I see that you have a 9-year old son, who's just getting into RPG. I found your posts on this subject very interesting and hope that you might take away from this blog some insights into gaming with kids - a very rewarding activity.
Now I'm just off to make a start on decorating the house for Christmas, and hope to fit a session of the Training Dungeon in this afternoon.
Are we still using . . . (Felltower Rules)
Let's look at some rules we've used in the past but may or may not be using
*Are we still using Trademark Move?*
In a word, no.
It's 1 point for a +...
7 hours ago
Thanks. We've had fun with the sessions we've had. If is difficult to find time to play. Even a half-hour is hard carve out. But when we do it's a kick!